Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Free Returns: Does pengu offer a free return?
No, unfortunately we can not offer this service. Instead, we offer free shipping within Germany and in some countries above a certain order value. Please register the returns with us at, you will receive a return number from us and please stamp the shipment sufficiently. A shipment tracking is recommended. We ask for attention to the revocation right and the returnings conditions.

Exchanges: How does exchange at pengu work?
Please contact us for the purpose of exchanging the goods in accordance with the conditions of the revocation right and the returnings conditions. Please give us your name, your customer number, order number and which article you would like to exchange in which size. We then await your return. pengu swimwear do not charge any shipping costs for the exchange.

Care Instructions: How shall I care my pengu?
Please look here into our care instructions.